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Modern Touch Dentistry Oral Conscious Sedation in Appleton, WI

Do you suffer from dental anxiety, resulting from traumatic past dental experience, needle phobia, high gag reflex, or have very sensitive teeth? Modern Touch Dentistry offers oral conscious sedation dentistry at our dental office. With conscious oral sedation you’ll find your treatment is performed more comfortably than you might ever have thought possible.

We will discuss any anxiety you have about dental work during your initial visit and the treatment plan necessary to re-establish your dental health. If you think oral conscious sedation will help you, we’ll schedule your sedation appointments at that time. Our specially trained team will monitor you continually throughout these appointments.

Beyond taking all your anxieties away, oral conscious sedation allows us to accomplish extensive amounts of dentistry at one time, and you’ll have little or no memory of the experience. This will result in fewer dental appointments necessary to complete any dental work.